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- After 2 years of work, the ITU-T Focus Group DPM has finalized 15 deliverables dealing with critical issues related to Data Processing and Management to support Smart Cities and IoT. n.b.p.a. is proud to have participated in this great achievement on the topics of Risk Management, Data Governance, Data Quality and Data Trust.







Read n.p.b.a. Chronicle in l'Agefi newspaper:


- Read NPBA contribution to ITU Journal "Data and Governance in Smart Sustainable Cities": Click here to download the article published in ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries (Volume 1, Issue 2), 16.11.2018









-Download Swiss Analytics Magazine #8. In the article ANALYTICS IN BANKING, n.p.b.a presents how, from the example of the Swiss banking market, data analytics can be used by the banks to be more profitable, stable and attractive.

- Download the Livre Blanc 2018 "Fonction Finance : 140 innovations au service de la croissance" in which n.p.b.a. contributed on the impact of digitalization on Finance and Data Management.

- n.p.b.a. was invited by the Chambre vaudoise de Commerce et d'Industrie to lead a "IT Café" on Data Management (November 2017). Download here the takeaways of n.p.b.a.'s prez.

- Download the Livre Blanc sur les indicateurs RH

(sept. 2017) drawn up on the basis of the HR Factory Working Group (coordinated by HES-SO Valais/ Maxime Morand/ Groupe T2i) which n.p.b.a. contributed since its creation in 2016. Read the articles in HR Today Magazine about this Working Group: July 2016 and Oct. 2016

- Find n.p.b.a. slides for the Swiss Association for Analytics (SAA) event on Data Quality, May 2017.

- Download the Livre Blanc 2016 "Banque & Fintech : enjeux d'innovation dans la banque de détail" in which n.p.b.a. contributed on Data Management.

- Follow the link to the documents and press release about the ITU-T Focus Group on Digital Financial Services (DFS) n.p.b.a. attended and contributed on Data and Risks Management (Established 2014-06; Terminated 2016-12).

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